All-in-one platform
for nomads

Add your experiences to the map. Find nomads near you. Discover ways to earn income.

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Share your journey on your timeline

Add your experiences to the map based on the location and date of your travels.

Retroact your past travels or make a map of your future adventures!

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Engage with other nomads

See other travelers in the same area and directly reach out to them.

Reach other nomads in the countries you will travel to by using the location and historical filters.

easy filteringmeet other nomadschatget up-to-date experiences

Create different revenue channels

Make your travel easier by increasing your income.

Sell your experiences, fulfill the wishes of your followers, get donations or become our revenue partner.

offerswishesdonationsaffiliate partnerships

Built for
all your needs

Save, share and monetize your journey. Interact with your community and find fellow enthusiasts.

click the cards below to learn more!

Share your journey on your timeline

Filter, categorize and change the privacy settings of all your posts.

Save your memories better

Save the past and the future of your destinations, on the map and timeline. Turn it into a visual feast when you want to reminisce about your memories tomorrow.

Create content and get rewarded

Create offers, get wishes, receive donations, or become our revenue partner.

Increase your income in a creative way

Let your imagination guide you! Offer “happy birthday” drawn into the sand of a beautiful beach for your follower. Make a wish for someone asking about a specific location in the area you are traveling to. Receive donations from your followers or get passive revenue through the affiliate program and invitations.

Stay in touch with the community

Chat with the whole NomadsJ community. Increase your engagement with likes, comments, DMs and interactive polls.

Grow your audience

Grow your community by interactively engaging with your followers on your journey.


Join us

Create experiences for your followers or see the world through your favorite nomads' eyes.

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